Leveraging Photos and Videos for School Marketing

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Visual media has proven to be a highly effective marketing tool for schools looking to attract new students and families. Implementing quality photos and videos into promotional materials enables schools to improve brand visibility and increase prospective parent and student engagement. In this post, I will provide pragmatic best practices for schools on how to leverage photography and videography within their marketing strategy.

Prior to capturing any visual content of students, schools must obtain signed media consent release forms from all parents and guardians. These legally binding agreements authorize the school to use photos/videos of students for promotional purposes while protecting students’ rights to privacy. Ensuring compliance here is critical from both an ethical and legal perspective.

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Strategically Align Visual Content with Admissions Goals

It’s essential for school administrators to start by clearly defining their admissions goals and evaluating metrics like application conversions. From there, capturing purposeful photos and videos that support student recruitment objectives allows for the creation of visual content designed to compel desired responses.

For example, schools seeing low tour attendance could develop video tours spotlighting campus offerings and daily student life. Schools hoping to elevate prestigious arts or athletics programs could photograph related on-campus programming to attract families accordingly. Getting clear on ideal outcomes informs the methodical creation of result-oriented media.

Volleyball players celebrate with teacher - School Marketing

Photograph Candid, Storytelling Moments

Especially given the competitive nature of student admissions, it has become imperative for schools to employ visual media that humanizes the student experience. Schools should shift away from posting overly polished, inauthentic content that feels disconnected from real school culture.

Instead, schools should leverage key events like talent shows, sporting events, celebrations, and graduations to capture candid moments conveying student camaraderie, personal accomplishments, and school spirit. Images centered on genuine emotion and relationships have proven to resonate profoundly with parent audiences evaluating school options.

Teacher helps student - School Marketing

Incorporate Current Student & Teacher Testimonials

Direct video testimonials from current students and teachers can provide invaluable third-party validation. By giving actual students and staff the platform to share first-hand perspectives on school-related experiences, the content feels authentic and transparent.

Students can speak genuinely about topics prospective families commonly inquire about - school atmosphere, teacher support, types of assignments, extracurricular activities, college prep resources, etc. Teachers can comment candidly on collaborative leadership, professional development opportunities, or even funny classroom moments. This qualitative insight straight from the source itself holds tremendous influence.

Implementing photography and videography designed to illicit specific target audience responses and convey the student experience in a multi-dimensional, authentic manner can yield tremendous admissions dividends for schools. The aforementioned strategies offer a results-focused approach to harnessing visual media for your marketing needs.


View Open Aperture Photography’s school photo and video portfolio here.


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